The Koorie education captioned vodcast on YouTube was originally developed for the Victorian Government Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
Transcript of the Koorie education vodcast
A trial with the Learning Federation Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and Gippsland Koorie Education 2005
Through a partnership with The Learning Federation and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Victoria, all government schools have access to Digital Content Resources. These resources are known as Learning Objects.
During 2005 five schools in the Gippsland Region have been trialing Learning Objects.
The trial focused on the suitability of Learning Objects in schools and class rooms with indigenous students.
Vera Harold is a Koorie Educator in Traralgon primary and secondary schools. She liaises with parents, works with students in their classes, mostly maths and English and sometimes one-on-one. She says “The kids really love being on the computers and doing maths and it helps with our Koorie Numeracy links which we have every Friday as well (with Healesville and Benalla West). We take turns and when we get together we’re always doing maths on the computer with the other schools.”
One student likes the Learning Objects because “It’s fun and it teaches me more for maths, and I know how to do maths now, but it’s just fun.”

The maths Learning Object is a colourful program that teaches students maths by encouraging thinking about place value. It also provides opportunities for mental addition and subtraction. Students try to reach a target number by adding or subtracting in fewer than 20 moves.
Another student said “I just like it when you write the right numbers and there’s only one number left and you get to use the Wishball.